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Anthony Rich
Reading Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Karen Anagnost
School Counselor
Boynton Middle School
Michelle Snipes
School Counselor
Boynton Middle School
Ilene Tyler
School Psychologist
Boynton Middle School
Anne Gleed
Science Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Amanda Manfredo
Science Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Mariah Pelzer
Science Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Julie Wilson
Science Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Teresa Compton
Senior Typist
Boynton Middle School
Robin Whitmore
Senior Typist
Boynton Middle School
Jevon Ballard
Social Studies Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Rachel Corcoran
Social Studies Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Cynthia Kramer
Social Studies Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Patricia Schaup
Social Studies Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Trisha Ladley
Social Worker
Boynton Middle School
Kristen Rothman
Social Worker
Boynton Middle School
Evalyn Brazeau
Special Education Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Jacob Chapin
Special Education Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Jennifer Curley
Special Education Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Nicole Dauria
Special Education Teacher
Boynton Middle School