Accountability Metrics

NYSED Accountability Status 2024-25

New York State (NYS) is committed to ensuring that all students succeed and thrive in school no matter who they are, where they live, where they go to school, or where they come from. In alignment with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the New York State Education Department (NYSED) has developed a set of indicators to measure school performance: student academic achievement, progress of English Language Learners, chronic absenteeism, and, for high schools, graduation rates.

Every year, schools earn a score for each indicator for all students and for designated student groups (members of racial and ethnic groups, low-income students, students with disabilities, and English Language Learners). These scores are then ranked across all schools within the state, and schools are assigned a level from 1 to 4 for each indicator based on where they fall in the rankings.

For the 2024-25 school year, NYSED has identified five ICSD schools as in need of support and improvement based on 2023-24 results: Beverly J. Martin Elementary School (TSI), Boynton Middle School (TSI), Cayuga Heights Elementary School (TSI), DeWitt Middle School (TSI), and Enfield Elementary School (CSI/TSI). The ICSD has also been identified as a Target District (TD). All other schools in the district have been designated as LSI (formerly ”In Good Standing”) schools.

2024-25 Improvement Plans

Beverly J. Martin and Enfield Elementary Schools, and Boynton and DeWitt Middle Schools, have each developed a School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) for the 2024-25 school year based on feedback from their school communities. The plans include specific strategies for helping improve student success.

The ICSD also developed a District Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP) to describe how it would support the identified schools in implementing their improvement plans.

ICSD Equity Report Card 2024

The Ithaca City School District (ICSD) is committed to equity. In the ICSD, equity is a measure of results, not of inputs. We will have achieved equity when all measures indicate an absence of disproportionality in participation and achievement in terms of race, class, disability, and gender.

This equity report card is a tool we use to monitor our progress towards achieving equity in twelve key measures of student achievement and engagement. It is also a tool to help us think about and document the work we are doing to move us closer to this goal. We share this tool with you (our students, their families, and our community) as an invitation to join us in thinking about equity. We hope that as you explore the equity report card that you will be inspired to reflect on your own experiences in the ICSD, to ask questions, and to consider how you can contribute to the goal of equity in your own role(s) in our schools and our community.

Graduation Rates

Goals and Priorities Surveys

The ICSD conducts annual surveys to gather student, parent/guardian, and community member perspectives on district operations, services and functions, school and community relationships, curriculum, communications, and more. Results from these surveys provide us with a better understanding of our community's needs and help us develop responsive action plans in order to better engage, educate, and empower all of our students. 

2023 End-of-Year Survey

The 2023 End-of-Year Survey was open to all 6th-12th grade students, staff, and parents/guardians from April 19 - May 3. The survey questions addressed academic learning, social-emotional learning, student input and representation, relationships with peers and teachers, and student support.

The survey had a student response rate of 41% (1,077 responses), staff response rate of 31% (581 responses), and parent/guardian response rate of approximately 37% (1,971 responses)

Click here to view the 2023 End-of-Year Survey results. Below you can view a presentation by ICSD Evaluation Officer Lynn Klankowski on key survey findings.

Presentation begins at 2:12

NYSED Parent Dashboard

In 2020, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) launched a Parent Dashboard to increase transparency and make information about school performance and other school-level data easier for parents and the public to access. The Parent Dashboard features a clean, simple design to better provide parents with information about their child’s school.