Canvas LMS

Canvas is the ICSD's learning management system (LMS) for grades 6-12. On Canvas, teachers can post activities, assignments, and announcements; students can view all of their course content, submit work, engage in discussions, and take assessments; and parents and caregivers can get an inside view into their children's learning as "observers." Find more information about Canvas and how to navigate it below and in the Canvas Community Guides.

Canvas for Students

Through Canvas, students have single sign-on access to all of their course content, whether learning in person or virtually, and can submit work and take assessments online. Canvas also allows for discussion boards and group work and provides a localized place for all course communication.

Canvas for Observers

Canvas allows parents and caregivers ("observers") to view their children's course information, announcements, assignment due dates and submissions, and grades/feedback.

ICSD Canvas Orientation Sessions

Canvas Student Tour

Canvas Caregiver Tour