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Leslie Allee
Teacher Aide
Special Education
Ava Feldman
Teacher Aide
Special Education
Juliet Halloran
Teacher Aide
Special Education
Kalina Hertafeld
Teacher Aide
Special Education
Devin Hunt
Teacher Aide
Special Education
Jasper Minson
Teacher Aide
Special Education
Jean Sinon
Teacher Aide
Special Education
Kel Swensen
Teacher Aide
Special Education
Jennifer Falk
Teaching Assistant
Special Education
Susan Eschbach
Substitute Administrator
Substitutes - Admin
Gwendolyn Freeman
Substitute Administrator
Substitutes - Admin
Sheila McEnery
Substitute Administrator
Substitutes - Admin
Colleen Perkins
Substitute Administrator
Substitutes - Admin
James Scarpulla
Substitute Administrator
Substitutes - Admin
Jeffrey Spence
Substitute Administrator
Substitutes - Admin
Pedro Arroyo
Substitute Teacher Aide
Substitutes - Aides/TAs
Elliot Bell
Substitute Teacher Aide
Substitutes - Aides/TAs
Bridget Berkley
Substitute Teacher Aide
Substitutes - Aides/TAs
Mira Cohen
Substitute Teacher Aide
Substitutes - Aides/TAs
Leslie Cortright
Substitute Teacher Aide
Substitutes - Aides/TAs