ICSD Registration

LACS graduation


Ithaca High School Welcome Center
1401 North Cayuga Street
Phone: (607) 274-2201
Fax: (607) 645-4364

Ted Rohm
District Registrar

Click on the images below to see where the Registrar's Office is located.


All students between 5 and 21 years of age have the right to a free public education. Children may not be refused admission because of race, color, creed, or national origin, sex, citizenship, handicapping condition, or immigration status. 

Families who reside within the boundaries of the Ithaca City School District are required to register all school-age children, even if their children attend a private school or charter school. If they homeschool their children, families must register with TST BOCES Homeschooling Department. If your housing is not stable or if you are unsure of your residency status in the Ithaca City School District, please speak to the District Registrar.  

The registration process outlined below is for all students, pre-K-12.


After completing the district registration process, the Registrar will contact you to verify the information and assign a school. An appointment will be made by the school for screening, scheduling, and classroom placement.

Please note that it may take the school a few business days to prepare a student schedule. The school will notify you when your child may begin attending.

If you have questions, please contact your child’s school.


Information and Resources