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Amanda Stein
Library Clerk
Boynton Middle School
Annarose Foley
Library Media Specialist
Boynton Middle School
Kathleen Cole
Mathematics Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Llanya O'Kane
Mathematics Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Brenda Osovski
Mathematics Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Sonnary Phongsawath
Mathematics Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Andrew Troisi
Mathematics Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Rowan Angstadt-Whitesell
Music Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Malik Clanton
Music Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Nathan Parker
Music Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Emily Preston
Music Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Maureen Jakubson
Occupational Therapist
Boynton Middle School
Keanna Morales
Occupational Therapist
Boynton Middle School
John McNally
Physical Education Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Emmanuel Munoz Abreu
Physical Education Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Jeannette Palmer
Physical Education Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Lauren Wright
Boynton Middle School
Erin Houppert-Singer
Reading Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Meghan Long
Reading Teacher
Boynton Middle School
Liam Moneypenny Hall
Reading Teacher
Boynton Middle School