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Theresa Harned
Teaching Assistant
South Hill Elementary School
Billy Moss
Teaching Assistant
South Hill Elementary School
Nezha Oubella
Teaching Assistant
South Hill Elementary School
Molly Petzoldt
Teaching Assistant
South Hill Elementary School
Carla Strong
Teaching Assistant
South Hill Elementary School
Sheri Meminger Broadus
South Hill Elementary School
Kearra Blake
Administrative Assistant
Special Education
T.C. Pelletier
Administrative Assistant
Special Education
Jennifer Gondek
Director of Special Education
Special Education
Kristin DeVita
Educator of Inclusion
Special Education
Kerry Glenn-Keough
Educator of Inclusion
Special Education
Katherine Studelska
Educator of Inclusion
Special Education
Margie Shaw
Educator of Inclusion
Special Education
Erin Connors
Occupational Therapist
Special Education
Susan Kinney
Senior Typist
Special Education
Theresa Knobel
Senior Typist
Special Education
Robert Levine
Social Worker
Special Education
Carol Naylor
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
Nicole Clem
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
Ryan Abb
Teacher Aide
Special Education