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Rae Miles
Teaching Assistant
Cayuga Heights Elementary School
Wednesday Mitchell
Teaching Assistant
Cayuga Heights Elementary School
Carl Zabel
Teaching Assistant
Cayuga Heights Elementary School
Brandon Whittier
Cayuga Heights Elementary School
Daniel Breiman
Administration Officer
Central Admin
Zachary Lind
Chief Information Officer
Central Admin
Lily Talcott
Deputy Superintendent of Schools
Central Admin
Bob Van Keuren
Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations
Central Admin
Mary Grover
Inclusion Officer
Central Admin
Amanda Verba
School Business Executive
Central Admin
Luvelle Brown
Superintendent of Schools
Central Admin
Lisa Kirby
Assistant Cook
Child Nutrition
Michelle Chester
Contract Paid on Timesheets - Food Service
Child Nutrition
Heather Parkin
Contract Paid on Timesheets - Food Service
Child Nutrition
Daniel Pierce
Cook Manager
Child Nutrition
Beth Krause
Director of School Lunch
Child Nutrition
Jamie Zervos
Executive Chef
Child Nutrition
William Lower
Food Courier
Child Nutrition
Brenda Miller
Food Courier
Child Nutrition
Michelle Baker
Food Service Helper
Child Nutrition