National Merit Scholarship Corporation announces four Ithaca High School Semifinalists! Congratulations to our students on this impressive achievement:
10 months ago, ICSD Communications
September is Attendance Awareness Month! The start of the year is a great time to establish habits that help students understand why attendance matters. Even a few missed days, whether excused or not, can add up to missed learning opportunities. From pre-k to high school, every day counts! For many more helpful resources, visit #schooleveryday #showinguptogether #icsdproud #teamicsd
10 months ago, ICSD Communications
It’s National Arts in Education Week - a time to celebrate the incredible impact of the arts in our schools! Here’s to all the ICSD arts educators inspiring creativity while encouraging meaningful skills development. Thank you for empowering our students! #artsineducation #nationalartsineducationweek
10 months ago, ICSD Communications
student with flower
At last week's annual Convocation, Dr. Brown announced that the Aspiring Educators Award will be renamed to the Abraham and Denise Lee Aspiring Educators Award in honor of two longtime educators who worked in the district for over 45 years. The award is given out each year, in partnership with the Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI), to Ithaca High School students who are considering careers in education. Congratulations to this year's winners: Tatianna Gelinas and Sean Silvers! Read the full article and watch a special video message from Denise Lee below:
10 months ago, ICSD Communications
Welcome back, ICSD! Here's to a brand new year of beginnings, friendships, learning, and growing. Let's make this year the best one yet! #teamicsd #icsdproud #backtoschool
10 months ago, ICSD Communications
students walking in
students walking into school
bus driver
students and families walking into school
students walking to school
students walking in
students walking in
student and superintendent exchanging greetings
students crossing street
students standing in front of school
UPDATE: ALL indoor and outdoor after-school activities occurring before 7 p.m., including those normally held indoors, are canceled today, September 6, due to the extreme heat. This includes any planned staff or club meetings and this evening’s Board of Education Audit Committee work session. The girls varsity soccer match will proceed as scheduled at 7:15 p.m., and the girls varsity tennis team will practice from 7-9 p.m.
10 months ago, ICSD Communications
All Ithaca City School District-sponsored outdoor after-school activities, including all outdoor athletics practices and games, are canceled for today, September 6, 2023, due to the extreme heat.
10 months ago, ICSD Communications
Today we welcome Pre-K through 6th, 9th, and new entrants to the 2023-2024 school year! Have an amazing first day! #ithacany #teamicsd #icsdproud #ithacacityschools #firstdayofschool
10 months ago, ICSD Communications
The ICSD Board of Education will meet this evening at 5 p.m. for a Policy Work Session, at 6:30 p.m. for a Special Voting Meeting, and at 6:45 for an HR Work Session. For more information, please visit
10 months ago, ICSD Communications
The ICSD is closed on Monday, September 4, 2023, in observance of Labor Day.
10 months ago, ICSD Communications
Last week, we welcomed our new educators for orientation! We can't wait to start the '23-'24 school year with this talented group joining our dedicated staff. Photos include a team-building exercise where educators had to build structures with only two newspapers and two lengths of tape! #teamicsd #icsdproud
10 months ago, ICSD Communications
new teachers
new teachers
new teachers
new teachers
Many ICSD schools are hosting Welcome Back events this week! Be sure to stop by, and for future events, check out school calendars on the district website by navigating to your school's home page. #welcomeback #backtoschool #teamicsd #icsdproud
10 months ago, ICSD Communications
The newest ICSD e-Insider is out now! View here: Subscribe to future issues here: #icsdinsider #teamicsd #icsdproud
10 months ago, ICSD Communications
Last week, Project Innovation students had a wonderful chance to collaborate with Circus Culture, Ithaca's circus school! @circusculture #teamicsd #icsdprojectinnovation
10 months ago, ICSD Communications
student performing
student performing
students speaking
students performing
students performing
students waving
student performing
students performing
On Monday and Tuesday, ICSD administrators gathered for their annual retreat where they collaborated on learning targets and instructional leadership. Later, the group visited the St. James A.M.E. Zion Church as a community field study to discover its past and present!
10 months ago, ICSD Communications
group of administrators
administrators smiling
group gathered in front of church
At last week's Celebration of Learning, Project Innovation students presented posterboards, samples of recipes, handmade books, and more to families and friends! #teamicsd #icsdproud #icsdprojectinnovation
11 months ago, ICSD Communications
student presenting artwork
students presenting artwork
artwork and book display
artwork and book display
artwork display
student presents artwork
display with title: "How does food shape our identity?"
Teacher with display
students with artwork
The ICSD Board of Education will meet this evening at 5 p.m. for a Curriculum Work Session and at 6:00 p.m. for a Board Voting Meeting. For more information, please visit
11 months ago, ICSD Communications
Wondering how your student can get a ride to and from extracurricular activities? The Parent/Caregiver Resources tab on our website features Transportation Solutions. This flyer details many options, and when in doubt, contact your school's transportation liaison for support!
11 months ago, ICSD Communications
Today is the final day of Project Innovation: ICSD's inclusive, project-based program where students engage in projects and case studies that answer complex questions or offer solutions to real-world problems. These shots were taken last week in the classroom, with more photos of final celebrations and performances to come! #teamicsd #icsdprojectinnovation #icsdproud
11 months ago, ICSD Communications
student using computer
student at desk
student and teacher
students raise hands
students working
students playing
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. #teamicsd #icsdproud Download for iPhone: Download for Android:
11 months ago, ICSD Communications