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Jamie Ellsworth
Elementary Teacher
South Hill Elementary School
Margaret Gilroy
Elementary Teacher
South Hill Elementary School
Shari Haldeman
Elementary Teacher
South Hill Elementary School
Kim Lazzaro
Elementary Teacher
South Hill Elementary School
Cassandra Leon
Elementary Teacher
South Hill Elementary School
Sierra Meyers
Elementary Teacher
South Hill Elementary School
Brooke Osadchey
Elementary Teacher
South Hill Elementary School
Christopher Ruyack
Elementary Teacher
South Hill Elementary School
Allison Vorhis
Elementary Teacher
South Hill Elementary School
Erin Wallace
Elementary Teacher
South Hill Elementary School
Consuelo Yanez
Elementary Teacher
South Hill Elementary School
Virginia Ubari
English as a Second Language
South Hill Elementary School
Chanel Obialero
Library Clerk
South Hill Elementary School
Chantelle Daniel
Library Media Specialist
South Hill Elementary School
Heather Davey
Music Teacher
South Hill Elementary School
Jennifer Kaiser
Music Teacher
South Hill Elementary School
Ross Mizrahi
Music Teacher
South Hill Elementary School
Mariah Corning
Occupational Therapist
South Hill Elementary School
Thomas Hall
Physical Education Teacher
South Hill Elementary School
Carl Williamson
Physical Education Teacher
South Hill Elementary School