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Jewia Payne
Teacher Aide
Belle Sherman Elementary School
Meghan Powell
Teacher Aide
Belle Sherman Elementary School
Jane Quetel
Teacher Aide
Belle Sherman Elementary School
Nicholas Sandusky
Teacher Aide
Belle Sherman Elementary School
Michael Thomas
Teacher Aide
Belle Sherman Elementary School
Trisha Ward
Teacher Aide
Belle Sherman Elementary School
Aimee Bacon
Teaching Assistant
Belle Sherman Elementary School
MaryMargaret Evanek
Teaching Assistant
Belle Sherman Elementary School
Yoshiko Hogg
Teaching Assistant
Belle Sherman Elementary School
Gia Lopez
Teaching Assistant
Belle Sherman Elementary School
Thomas Nicholson
Teaching Assistant
Belle Sherman Elementary School
Yukie Sarnosky
Teaching Assistant
Belle Sherman Elementary School
Patricia McBean
Belle Sherman Elementary School
Laura Morgan
Belle Sherman Elementary School
Jonathan Aldave
Belle Sherman Elementary School
Laurence Cutler
Administrative Assistant
Beverly J. Martin Elementary School
Katharine Praisner
Art Teacher
Beverly J. Martin Elementary School
Larissa Anderson
Associate Principal
Beverly J. Martin Elementary School
Luz McCarthy
Building Substitute
Beverly J. Martin Elementary School
Rishi Patel
Building Substitute
Beverly J. Martin Elementary School