As of August 21, 2023, all student network accounts/email addresses are structured using the first initial of the student's first name, followed by the first initial of the student's last name, followed by a number (e.g., The new convention simplifies email address creation and maintenance and further safeguards students' personal information.
ICSD Staff and Student Accounts
All students and staff have two main accounts: an ICSD Google account and an ICSD Active Directory account (AD).
ICSD Google Accounts
Examples: (staff) or (student)
These accounts are used to access email and other Google services. They are also used to access other supported online learning portals or platforms, such as Clever.
These accounts are always full email addresses with at the end of them.
For staff, these accounts usually follow the format
For students, these accounts are structured using the first initial of the student's first name followed by the first initial of the student's last name, followed by (e.g.,
Students receive their official email address on their first day of class from their teacher, main office, or schedule.
The initial password for these accounts is the student ID number as assigned in SchoolTool. Students usually find this information on their class schedules.
Teachers and librarians are able to set or reset this password for student accounts. Resets for staff accounts are by contacting the help desk line (607) 882-9555.
ICSD Active Directory Accounts
Examples: john.smith (staff) or jd1 (student)
These accounts are used to access many internal ICSD services like computer log-ins, SchoolTool, and the print system. Many students do not use this account until they are logging into lab computers in middle school. The new ICSD Printing system for Chromebooks uses this account.
These accounts are never full email addresses. Your username is what appears in the initial portion of your email address.
For staff, these accounts usually follow the format firstname.lastname.
For students, these accounts are structured using the first initial of the student's first name followed by the first initial of the student's last name (e.g., jd1).
The initial password for these accounts is the student ID number as assigned in SchoolTool. Students usually find this information in their class schedules.
The ICSD Technology department can reset these passwords by support request.
Please call the ICSD Help Desk for password assistance: (607) 882-9555.