Standing Up for Justice

Movements for Civil Rights

Case Study at a Glance

In "Standing Up for Justice," every student learns about a leader, organization, or law related to one of six movements for civil rights that gained momentum during the 1960s and 1970s. In addition to sharing what they learn, students complete civic action to raise awareness or to advocate for change related to an injustice that persists today. The goal of these actions is to foster an understanding of how social change occurs and demonstrate to students how they can be active participants in creating a more just society. History becomes more meaningful and relevant as students make connections between past and present injustices and social movements.

Driving Question: How is a just and equitable society achieved?

Author: Cindy Kramer

School: Boynton

Level: Eighth Grade

Social Justice Standards

  • I can explain how the way groups of people are treated today, and the way they have been treated in the past, shapes their group identity and culture.

  • I am aware that biased words and behaviors and unjust practices, laws, and institutions limit the rights and freedoms of people based on their identity groups.

  • I know about some of the people, groups, and events in social justice history and about the beliefs and ideas that influenced them.

  • I will speak up or take action when I see unfairness, even if those around me do not, and I will not let others convince me to go along with injustice.

Students learn from each other's projects.

Student Products

Learning Outcomes/Targets

  • Students describe the issues, strategies, and changes associated with one topic related to a movement for civil rights.

  • Students compare and contrast various topics and movements for civil rights.

  • Students take action to address current injustices experienced by various groups.

Checkpoints/Formative Assessments

  • Students read and record notes on a minimum of two sources about their topic.

  • In movement groups, students synthesize the notes on their different topics to identify the main issues, strategies, and changes related to the movement researched by their group.

  • Students complete a civic action planning sheet.

Instructional Strategies

  • Students summarize what they learn about a particular topic in a final product.

  • Students participate in a gallery walk activity to learn from each other’s research on movements for civil rights and to record observations about their similarities and differences.

  • Students create educational brochures and posters; write letters to legislators; and make proposals to school administrators. Students present their civic actions in a classroom forum.