Open Enrollment

The Ithaca City School District provides the opportunity for families residing within the Ithaca School District to apply for their child(ren) to attend a school within the district other than the one assigned by geography (see Board Policy 5110.2). Open enrollment is offered only to ICSD resident students who are currently enrolled in their home school.

A new application is required if a request is being made for a new, non-home school placement. Open enrollment into a particular school is dependent upon grade-level space availability and staffing considerations at the requested building. Once applications have been approved, students are not required to reapply. Parents/caregivers must provide all transportation to and from their children's open enrolled school.

Please note: Lehman Alternative Community School is not considered in the open enrollment process.

2025 Request for Open Enrollment

We are now accepting open enrollment applications for the 2025-26 school year.

Applications for 2025-26 are due June 1, 2025. Please return completed paper applications to Emilee Tracy-Arm ( or 400 Lake Street, Ithaca, NY 14850).

All applications will be reviewed after the June 1 deadline. Written notifications of acceptance or denial will begin in mid-June but could be made as late as the end of August.

Note: Your child must be registered with the ICSD before we can accept your open enrollment application. Go to to learn how to register your child.