Language Other Than English (LOTE) Credit


Regents Diploma: At least one (1) LOTE Credit

Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation: Three (3) Credits AND pass a Checkpoint B Examination

Earning LOTE Credit in a Country where English is NOT the Native Language

Up to three (3) LOTE credits may be earned for each year of documented school attendance in an “other-than-English-speaking” environment

Up to five (5) total LOTE credits may be awarded in total


  • Experience occurred at age 10 years or older

  • Direct contact with environment, its language and people

  • Experience over the summer is NOT eligible for credit

Checkpoint Examinations

Learning a language other than English may begin at any time; therefore, performance standards are keyed to checkpoints that may be measured at any point in the K-12 continuum.

Checkpoint A: Considered to be a “way station” en route to proficiency

Checkpoint B*: Equivalent to proficiency required for a high school diploma

Checkpoint C: Advanced level of performance

*required for a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation

Schools and districts have the option to join other schools in a consortium to develop Checkpoint A and Checkpoint B examinations, design their own examinations, or adopt a vendor-made assessment.

If a student needs to take a Checkpoint B exam in a LOTE not offered in the Ithaca City School District, the school can create its own exam, check with surrounding schools for exams, work within the community or with a translator to produce an exam, or adopt a vendor-made assessment aligned to the New York State LOTE learning standards.

Transfer Students

If a student transferred in grade 7 or 8 with at least one (1) credit for residence and school attendance, they must take the Checkpoint A Examination.

Checkpoint A exams are not required after 8th grade.

If students transfer after having earned one (1) or two (2) LOTE credits for residence and attendance and the school does not offer that language, the student may complete the remaining unit(s) of LOTE in another language.

Frequently Asked Questions