ICSD Google Team Drives

In May 2018, we began providing Google Team Drives to replace and improve upon our old network shares. These Google Team Drives are shared spaces where teams of ICSD staff can easily share files and collaborate.

Unlike files in your normal Google My Drive, files in Team Drive belong to a team, instead of an individual. Ownership of the files remains with the team so that even if members leave, the files stay exactly where they are, and the team can continue to share information.

Many of you will already have shared folders across your teams. We encourage you to begin migrating files (where appropriate) to Team Drives, so they are not explicitly tied to your account.

Note: we have limited the creation of Team Drives to Technology Department staff (Section I of the guide). If you need a Team Drive, please let us know.

Current ICSD Team Drives

All Buildings

  • Building Staff Drive (e.g., BJM Staff):

    This will be a drive with general building-wide information provided by your main office. Most staff will have view-only access.

Elementary Buildings

  • Grade Level Drives (e.g., 5th Grade):

    This drive will be available to all teachers of the specified grade across the district.

  • Building Grade Level Drives (e.g., Belle Sherman 5th Grade): This drive will be available to all teachers of the specified grade per building.

Secondary Buildings

  • Building Department Drives (e.g., DeWitt Fine Arts):

    This drive will be available to all departmental teachers per building.

Future ICSD Team Drives

We have provided these initial Team Drives, but this is just the beginning. We will create more Drives as we discover more places where they could be of use.

If you have a group, club, PLC, or any other team that could make use of a Google Team Drive, please fill out a help request and we'll set one up for you!