Flyer Distribution Guidelines

The Ithaca City School District recognizes the importance of working alongside its community to support non-profit events and opportunities tailored to engage our students and their families. To make this process easier for our community and help ensure non-profit flyers* are circulated effectively, we offer the following guidelines. 

*The term “flyers” also includes postcards, posters, emails, and other marketing materials

Guidelines for creating a flyer that the ICSD can distribute to students:

  • The flyer must advertise an event, program, or other opportunity sponsored by a not-for-profit group that can furnish documentation as a nonprofit organization by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The ICSD may not distribute or post flyers for garage or parking lot sales or for sales, events, and other offerings in affiliation with for-profit companies.

  • The flyer must contain the ICSD disclaimer statement. The disclaimer can be printed in any font or size as long as it is visible. The disclaimer is as follows:

    These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Board of Education of the Ithaca City School District, the superintendent, or this school.

  • The flyer must not contain material that would:

    • promote illegal discrimination on the basis of gender, race, religion, national origin or ethnicity, or disability;

    • promote illegal activity for minors;

    • contain words, symbols, or images that would be regarded as lewd, obscene, vulgar, or plainly offensive if communicated by a student on school grounds;

    • defame a person or organization; or

    • threaten serious disruption of a school or school-sponsored activity.

Guidelines for distributing a flyer to our schools:

  • The flyer must first be approved by the district before it can be distributed. Proofs of flyers should be submitted for approval at least one week before they are to be distributed. Proofs should be sent to

  • You are responsible for distributing your flyer to our schools. Use of the ICSD Inter-Office Mail Services and its BOCES is prohibited.

  • You must contact each ICSD elementary school for information on how many flyers they will need to distribute to each student. The ICSD's secondary schools will only allow you to post your flyer on designated walls for advertising community events.

  • You will be required to show a copy of your flyer to each school’s front office staff to show that you have prepared it using the above three steps.

  • We strongly encourage organizations to include ADA-compliant text when submitting flyer requests. Many schools include the flyers as PDFs in their weekly newsletters, and we want to ensure all families can access the information.

As required by federal law, the district will not deny an outside non-profit organization the opportunity to distribute or display promotional material because the offered program, activity, or event will be provided from a religious, philosophical, or political perspective.