Fine Arts Booster Group

The Fine Arts Booster Group (FABG), an affiliate of the Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI), works in partnership with the Ithaca City School District to support and celebrate the arts for all kids. The FABG supports district programs and staff and supports increased student access and participation in the arts programs.

Examples of ongoing FABG initiatives include the production of performance booklets for all secondary concerts and theatrical productions, grants to our schools, the collection of used musical instruments to refurbish and donate to the ICSD (Play It Again, Ithaca), assistance with community-wide events, and support for teachers in arts residencies. To date, the FABG has funded hundreds of grants and arts-related programs and has placed hundreds of recycled musical instruments directly into the hands of local young musicians in our schools.

FABG Listserv: The FABG promotes communication about arts education through its listserv. This announcement-only listserv encourages members to share information and resources of interest to Ithaca City School District students, teachers, families, arts supporters, and the community. Email to join!