Enrollment Requirements and Health Services
The goal of Ithaca City School Health Services is to keep students healthy and in optimal condition for learning, growing, and developing. A school nurse is on staff and provides health services to students in all ICSD schools. The school nurses are there to ensure the health and safety of and promote the well-being of all children in school. Each school's health services program is directed by a head nurse in consultation with the district physician.
Community-Academic Partnerships for Health Equity Videos
Health Insurance
Why you and your children need it, how to find affordable options, and how to enroll and activate your insurance.
What it is, why you'd use it, and how to make the most of it.
Primary Care
The benefits of a primary care provider and people who can help you find a provider.
For any questions regarding Health Services please contact your child’s school nurse or the District Coordinator, Kari Burke, at (607) 274-2127 or kari.burke@icsd.k12.ny.us.