ENL Programs and Services

The Ithaca City School District offers ENL programs at all of its schools for students who are learning English as a new language. Eligibility for the ENL program is based on an interview and state assessment (NYSITELL) to determine the level of English language services that are required. Students in the ENL program are English language learners (ELLs). ELLs receive language instruction through "stand alone" ENL classes and/or "integrated" ENL in their school.

Stand Alone ENL

Stand alone ENL is when a student receives instruction in order to acquire the English language needed for success in core content classes (English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies). Stand alone ENL often, but not always, takes place in the ENL classroom where students work in small groups so they feel comfortable taking risks with language. Only students at the first two English proficiency levels (entering and emerging) receive stand alone ENL.

Integrated ENL

Integrated ENL is for all English language learners at all English proficiency levels (entering, emerging, transitioning, expanding, and commanding). During integrated ENL, students receive core content area and English language development instruction simultaneously, often in the mainstream classroom. Integrated ENL can be delivered by a teacher who is dually-certified in the content area and ENL, or through co-teaching where the classroom teacher and ENL teacher plan, teach, and assess together. This inclusive model also provides appropriate instructional supports to enrich comprehension for ELLs.


NYSITELL stands for New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners. It is a test used to measure English language skills when a student starts at a New York State school.