Enfield Mechanical Upgrades and Geothermal System Installation

Project Overview

The entire hot water boiler plant at Enfield Elementary, which has reached the end of its useful life and represents an inefficient and outdated system, is being replaced with the district's first geothermal heating system. A new exterior electronic sign is also being installed.

June 2024 Update from Campus Construction

  • Additional control wiring has been completed.

  • Additional balancing has been conducted including cooling mode in spaces with cooling capacity.

  • A change to the generator enclosure fence was issued; this work remains to be installed.

  • Final balancing and commissioning of mechanical work remains incomplete as system performance continues to be dialed in.

Construction Schedule

June 2022 - Summer 2024

Communication Protocol

We recognize the impact our construction has on the community and value your input. If you have questions, concerns, or ideas, please reach out to us via the Let's Talk! portal: ithacacityschools.org/letstalk.

If you have an immediate concern, you may call the school to speak with the building principal. Please DO NOT engage directly with contractors.