Current Construction

IHS STEM Renovations and HVAC Upgrades

Spring 2024 - Summer 2025

  • STEM renovations/additions

  • HVAC upgrades (adding air conditioning) and new temperature controls

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Beverly J. Martin Window Replacements

Spring - Fall 2024

Beverly J. Martin will receive new windows, as well as a new electronic sign.

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Boynton Main Entrance, Auditorium, and Kitchen/Cafeteria Renovations

June 2023 - Summer 2024

Boynton will receive main entrance upgrades to improve security and create a welcome area. The school’s auditorium and kitchen/cafeteria will also be renovated.

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LACS Main Entrance Upgrades and Outdoor Area Improvements

June 2022 - Summer 2024

LACS's main entrance is being upgraded to improve security and create a welcome area. The Black Box Theater and outdoor areas at the school are also being enhanced/renovated for student and community use.

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Enfield Mechanical Upgrades and Geothermal System Installation

June 2022 - Summer 2024

The entire hot water boiler plant at Enfield Elementary, which has reached the end of its useful life and represents an inefficient and outdated system, will be replaced with the district's first geothermal heating system. 

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DeWitt Main Entrance Upgrades and Auditorium Renovations

June 2022 - Summer 2024

DeWitt will receive main entrance upgrades to improve security and create a welcome area. The auditorium will also be renovated to improve performance and educational use, as well as audience experience. Some of the school's bathrooms and are also being upgraded, and some site work* is being done.

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South Hill Parking Lot Reconfiguration and Main Entrance Upgrades

May 2022 - Summer 2024

The west side parking lot and pick-up/drop-off areas at South Hill Elementary School will be reconfigured to improve circulation and safety. The main office will be relocated to the west side of the building.

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