The ICSD Cisco Duo Security program is designed to protect you against identity theft. If the Cisco Duo Security app is installed on your ICSD device you will be protected anytime, anywhere.
Cisco Duo Security Multi-Factor Authentication
Duo Phone App and Security Key
If you have both the Duo app on your phone and a security key, there is no need to use them both at the same time when logging into your laptop. You can choose the best option that works for you, either the key or the Duo phone app to authenticate your login.
After logging into your laptop, Duo will push a notification to your phone. Click on the green check mark to authenticate yourself to gain access to your laptop.
The security key is a backup to your phone. It is great to have if you misplace your phone or if your phone battery is dead. Below are the steps to use for the security key when you see the Duo prompt on your laptop:
Click on the Cancel button
Click on the Passcode button
Press the blinking button displaying the key icon on the security key. This will fill in the text box with an encrypted number on the security key.
To use the Online Passcode from the Duo app on your phone, follow the first two steps above and then type in the passcode. The ICSD Online Passcode will refresh every 30 seconds.
Need to Send Another Push Notice to Your Phone
If you missed the first notification sent to your phone, you can send it again by clicking on the Cancel button and then clicking on the "Send Push" button.
Does Duo Security work if there is no internet access?
To be able to use Duo Push (notification sent to your phone or another device), or a temporary bypass code, Duo requires internet connectivity or a network signal.
What if I don’t have my phone or security key?
Call the ICSD IT help desk (607-882-9555) or contact your building tech to provide you with a temporary bypass code.
Your Security Key
If you don't have the Duo phone app but you have the security key, there is no need to click on the Cancel button. The cursor will be placed in the Log In text box for you; just press the blinking button on the security key. If your laptop doesn't have access to the internet, and you have a security key, you will see instructions on the Duo prompt telling you when to insert the security key to authenticate your login.
Always remember to remove your security key from the USB drive when you're not using it and keep it in a safe place. You can remove your key once you fully logged into your laptop.
Log in Once for 10 hours
You can stay logged into your laptop for 10 hours if you have checked the checkbox that says "Remember me for 10 hours" on the Duo prompt that appears on your laptop.
New Phone
If you have a new phone or a new phone number, please notify the ICSD IT Department so we can assist in installing the security app on your new phone or reregister your phone with a new number in the security program. Lastly, if you get a Duo security prompt on your phone to authenticate your login and you haven't logged into your laptop, click on the Deny button and choose suspicious login, and Duo Security will notify the IT Department.
Feel free to contact IT help desk at (607) 882-9555 if you have any questions.