Bus Safety
School buses are very safe.
Statistically, school buses are the safest form of ground transportation in the world, and New York State buses have the best safety record of any state in the country. This wonderful safety record is the result of many factors, including ever-improving design and construction standards for school buses, rigorous safety inspections, and safety audits by federal and state agencies, exacting background checks and licensing standards for bus drivers, and comprehensive training programs for bus drivers and students.
Over the past generation, training for both drivers and students has emphasized safety at bus stops. Statistically, children are most at risk when they are boarding or exiting their own bus at their own bus stop. This startling fact is especially true for young children getting off their own bus in the afternoon.
Bus drivers are trained to apply laser-like attention to children in the process of exiting or boarding, and to resist distractions from other children seated behind them. This is why behavior problems on board a school bus are not just irritations - a driver distracted by children screaming or moving from seat to seat is unable to fully concentrate on the children outside the bus. Reducing behavior problems is one reason our district requires students to wear seatbelts.
Drivers are not permitted to move their bus away from a bus stop until they are confident all children are safely out of the road and at least fifteen feet away from the bus.
You can help us protect your child by reviewing and regularly reinforcing the important safety guidelines and policies below.