Board of Education Voting Meetings and Committee Work Sessions

Unless otherwise noted, ICSD Board of Education voting meetings are held at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. All meetings and work sessions, where school district business will be discussed by the Board of Education, are open to the public. The public may be excluded from properly convened executive sessions.

Meeting agendas and minutes can be found on BoardDocs, and recordings of all voting meetings can be viewed on YouTube. Please see below for information regarding public comment during Board meetings.

For information on the use of videoconferencing and virtual attendance at public meetings, view the ICSD Board of Education's Hybrid Meeting Resolution (adopted 6/28/22).

Upcoming Meetings and Work Sessions

Please subscribe to our mailing list if you would like to receive email notifications regarding upcoming Board of Education meetings and work sessions.

Unless otherwise noted, Board of Education meetings and work sessions are held in York Hall in Ithaca High School. The entrance to York Hall is directly across from the entrance to the Board Building at 400 Lake Street. There are directional signs both outside and inside of the building.





Tues, Mar 25

4:30 p.m.

Curriculum Work (Agenda)

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6 p.m.*

Board Voting Meeting (Agenda)

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Tues, Apr 1

5 p.m.

Policy Work Session

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6 p.m.

HR Work Session

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Tues, Apr 8

6 p.m.*

Board Voting Meeting

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Tues, Apr 22

4:45 p.m.

Facilities Work Session

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6 p.m.

Finance Work Session

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*Typically, the Board enters into an executive session at the start of each voting meeting and resumes the public session at approximately 7 p.m.

Public Comment

In keeping with Board Policy 1230 – Public Participation at Board Meetings, and in order to allow for public participation, a period not to exceed 30 minutes shall be set aside during the first part of each Board meeting. The period may be extended by a majority vote of the Board. Persons wishing to address the Board either virtually or in person shall advise the Board Clerk prior to the scheduled starting time of the meeting. The request shall be made in writing via the public comment sign-up form and shall include the name of the speaker, the address, name of organization represented (if any), and the topic to be addressed. Any group or organization wishing to address the Board must identify a spokesperson.

Each speaker will be permitted to speak for three (3) minutes. Speakers may comment on any matter related to district business. The Board cannot and will not permit public discussions involving individual district personnel or students. Persons wishing to discuss matters involving individual district personnel or students should present their comments and/or concerns to teachers, the building administrator or Superintendent during regular business hours (see Board Policy 1400 - Public Comments and Complaints to the Board of Education).

For information on the use of videoconferencing and virtual attendance at public meetings, view the ICSD Board of Education's Hybrid Meeting Resolution (adopted 6/28/22).

Summaries and Recordings

Voting Meeting Recordings

Committee Work Session Recordings