Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Victoria Buckley
English as a Second Language
Macileigh Braselmann
Library Clerk
Mildred Stephenson
Library Media Specialist
Katherine Gould
Music Teacher
Fine and Performing Arts
Angelina Mirabella
Occupational Therapist
Support Services
Tito Hernandez
Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education
Samuel Trechter
Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education
Caren Arnold
Jocelyn Blizzard
Reading Teacher
Support Services
Kristen Kischnick
Reading Teacher
Support Services
Kimberly McCleary
Reading Teacher
Support Services
Patricia Foster
School Psychologist
Support Services
Paul Rhudy
Social Worker
Support Services
Stephanie Caven
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
Molly Fournier
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
Elizabeth Inman
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
Miranda Ponto
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
James Reynolds
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
Valerie Waters
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
Ryan Hartnett
Speech and Hearing Teacher
Support Services