Apply to Lehman Alternative Community School

Admission to Lehman Alternative Community School (LACS) is open to any 6th-10th grader living within the Ithaca City School District (ICSD). To apply to LACS, please complete the application linked at the bottom of this page. 

LACS admits students at the beginning of each semester as there are openings. Students are selected by lottery from the pool of applicants with an effort to balance the total number of students in each grade and to have proportionate enrollment from each of the ICSD elementary schools and other area educational programs. LACS does not typically accept students in their senior year. 

All applications are received by Lynn Klankowski, ICSD Evaluation Officer. If you have any questions about your application or the application process, please contact Lynn at or (607) 229-2286.

Note: It may be useful for potential students to visit LACS in session. To schedule a school visit, please contact the LACS Guidance Office at (607) 274-2347.