About Us

Greetings and welcome to South Hill Elementary School! Our school has approximately 385 students pre-K - 5th grade. We are located in Ithaca, NY. Our community is comprised of students that join us from Ithaca’s South Hill neighborhood and the communities of Danby, Willseyville, and Brooktondale. We also have students whose families elect to open-enroll from other Ithaca City School District neighborhoods.

Our PTA is very active and offers many opportunities to volunteer and be collaborative partners within our school community. Families frequently support students during school in the classrooms, computer lab, and during lunch and recess. Our PTA hosts several events and activities for students and families throughout the school year. If you have not already joined please consider joining our PTA.

Staff: We have approximately 80 highly skilled, enthusiastic, and dedicated staff members. Our staff participates in various collaborations around academic and social-emotional development by taking on leadership roles in developing and implementing best practices around teaching and learning. We have a School Instructional Leadership Team that looks at whole school practices, in an effort to support the development of our school wide goals. The SILT also works to support District and school wide initiatives such as Professional Learning Communities, Responsive Classroom, Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS), Dignity for All Students Act (DASA), and Imagine Learning. In addition, we have School Site Council, a shared decision making team which includes teachers, staff, families, and community members. 

Partnerships: South Hill has exciting partnerships with Ithaca College, Cornell University, and Cortland State. Through these partnerships, students and faculty from the colleges regularly visit our school providing additional educational opportunities and experiences for our students and staff.

Equity Statement

At South Hill, all students and their families will have what they need and support as they engage with learning. We will meet students where they are and we will support students through collaboratively working to empower students to actualize their hopes and dreams.

Building Leadership

Arthur Brown, Jr., Principal

Beth Snyder, Educator of Inclusion

Main Office: (607) 274-2129

South Hill Staff Directory