Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Samantha Demming
Teacher Aide
Sarah Platt
Elementary Teacher
Classroom Teachers
Sarah Wood
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
Shauna Belokur
Elementary Teacher
Classroom Teachers
Shelly Matheny
Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education
Suzanne France
Teaching Assistant
Sydney Palmer Bishop
Elementary Teacher
Classroom Teachers
Tahirih Vico
Registered Professional Nurse
Health and Wellness
Tamara Beardsley
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
Tammy Hansen
Elementary Teacher
Classroom Teachers
Terri Stoff
Elementary Teacher
Classroom Teachers
Thomas Sunti
School Psychologist
Support Services
Traci Washburn
Elementary Teacher
Classroom Teachers
Tracy Pluckrose
Elementary Teacher
Classroom Teachers
Valerie Fontaine
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
Victoria Brown
Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education
Xuemei Chen
Teacher Aide
Zoe Fuentes
Music Teacher
Fine and Performing Arts